Worship Teams

Our Sunday Worship Teams help our clergy and congregation before, during and after the service each week. Schedules are made in advance and available to view, see below.

We are always looking for new team members.

Usher: Ushers greet everyone as they come through our doors, provide them with bulletins for the service and help new comers and visitors connect with our clergy and members.

Acolyte: Acolytes lead us in the procession and recession and help the clergy with the preparation of the table during communion.

Lectors/ Readers: Lay person who reads the Old Testament and/ or New Testament reading, and leads the Psalm.

Eucharistic Minister (LEM):  Lay person that assists the clergy in administering the consecrated elements. At St. Bartholomew's the LEMs also lead the Prayers of the People. A Eucharistic Minister acts under the direction of a member of the clergy.

Eucharistic Visitor (LEV): Lay person authorized to take the consecrated elements in a timely manner following the Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation, who by reason or illness or infirmity are unable to be present at the Celebration of the Eucharist. They work under the

direction of the clergy.

Counter: Counters work in teams of two, one of which is a Vestry member to handle the weekly offering.

Altar Guild: The altar guild is a group of volunteers that work together to care for the altar, vestments, vessel and altar linens. In addition, they prepare the sanctuary of services and clean up afterwards.

Flower Guild: A group of volunteers that work as a team to prepare the floral arrangements for services.

Fellowship: A group of volunteers that work as a team to prepare for a gathering time in the Narthex, hallway, after services. They provide beverages and snacks.

Current Schedule

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